Grand Forks Downtown Development Association

Walk Your City

When is it?

Thursday, August 06th

Where at?

Downtown Grand Forks

What time?

10:00 am to 11:00 am, August 06th

Grand Forks, ND — The Downtown Development Association is proud to announce the unveiling of the Walk Your City sign project for downtown Grand Forks on Thursday, August 6 at 10 a.m. The short program and sign attachment will take place at the corner of 23rd St. and University Avenue (just adjacent to University Park). Jonathan Holth, DDA board president, and city council members Bret Weber and Crystal Schneider will be speaking. The signs are placed on various light poles and include a QR code that when scanned, gives directions on Google map.

The Downtown Development Association worked closely with Altru Health System, Healthy Choices Greater Grand Forks and the City of Grand Forks to initiate the program. “City wayfinding signage is an important investment,” said Jonathan Holth, DDA board president. “The Walk Your City program is one that has been proven to be successful in other communities across the country, and will serve as an important first step to a larger goal of increased wayfinding, and increased foot and bicycle traffic both downtown and throughout the city.”

Another goal of the project is to alter the perspective of distance. “To have a more walkable downtown, which correlates to a vibrant downtown, we have to get people out of their cars,” said Stacey Majkrzak, executive director of the DDA. “We like how this program identifies, for instance that it’s only a two minute walk to get from Bonzer’s to Town Square and it may make you think twice about getting in your vehicle to drive there. Ultimately, this program covers promoting a healthy community, a social community, and a more inclusive community.”

There are 20 different signs at various locations around downtown, including one near Lincoln Park and two near University Park. The sign colors are related to the type of location: purple=commercial, green=public space, blue=civic/institutional, orange=amusement, and pink=transit.

The GFDDA’s vision is a downtown that is stable and growing; encourages economic development and business diversity; is walkable and pedestrian friendly; and is safe and clean. This is a downtown in which business, residents and visitors can take pride, visit frequently, and use to its fullest potential.